Solid range of USB wired and 2.4 GHz wireless keyboards. Sealed IP66 mice also available.
More than 12 product options within the Purekeys range of Medical grade IP66 keyboards, suited for many applications.
Various Tactile and Linear MX pushbutton switches.
From stock or available to order.
Choose from MX, ML, SP Mount Standard range, plus custom tool service with engineered paint, coating and laser marking to your requirements.
Speak with us to arrange a custom keycap consult. In house design or we can validate your own design. Fast tooling times to T1 samples.
Various point of sale base unit options including; custom layouts using the Cherry SPOS Keyboard.
Work with TDE and bring to market your own branded, original equipment manufactured keyboard. For integration or resale. Low volume commitment.
Several base options available including custom full travel Cherry keyboards. Extended key layouts, plus programmable.
Molded polyurethane or silicon covers for control equipment, displays, laptops and keyboards.
BOM management, kitted sets with or without free issue. Ask for details.